Sapna Chadha, Vice President at Google Asia Pacific, is enthused about the remarkable growth unfolding in the region. She emphasizes the importance of agility and adaptability, not only for the company but also for its team members.
Chadha points out that a “growth mindset” is a common trait among Google’s top performers. This mindset, characterized by continuous learning and a belief in personal evolution, is a significant driver of good performance and results.
To identify individuals with a growth mindset during job interviews, Chadha asks a pivotal question: “What’s the latest thing you’ve learned?” She believes that this question reveals whether candidates are actively seeking opportunities for personal growth and whether they are open to sharing their knowledge and collaborating with others.
Furthermore, she values candidates who can admit to making mistakes and demonstrate what they’ve learned from those experiences. This willingness to learn from failures is an essential trait in Chadha’s eyes.
Chadha advises individuals to view their careers as jungle gyms rather than traditional ladders. Being open to lateral moves and the expansion of skills is crucial. She appreciates employees who seek to broaden their horizons and flex their skills, rather than just focusing on vertical advancement.
Additionally, upskilling is vital to adapt to changing job markets and technological advancements. Chadha encourages everyone to learn the basics of artificial intelligence (AI) to stay relevant, given that AI is becoming increasingly pervasive across industries.
Google Cloud offers free introductory courses to help individuals grasp the fundamentals of generative AI (GAI). Chadha emphasizes the importance of taking initiative, whether through online courses, networking, or simply staying informed about the latest developments.
In a rapidly evolving world, a growth mindset and a commitment to continuous learning are essential traits for personal and professional success.